Wednesday, January 27, 2010

EOSA (East Oakland School for the Arts)

My great friend Ariel Roman once again let me come to her classroom and paint on her walls. It was great doing it because class is in session this time around and I got to interact a little more with the students. Hopefully I didn't traumatize them too much. One student pointed out that I am close to the ripe age of thirty and so actually I think that I am traumatized. Anyhow here are a couple of photos from this trip.

This photo is of what I did the first time I visited.

Current work.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I love this video

Scout Niblett and Bonnie Prince Billy

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

In Progress.

Started Painting in my living room.

John Casey

John wrote me up on his blog and I'm really stoked on it. John makes some great characters. Check out his site and his blog.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


My friend Justin Soto had his bike stolen the other night from a fence on San Pablo next to the venue Victory. If you see it gank that shit. He's really tall so who ever took it was an idiot.

NYE 10

High fives were given out with fury. It was an okay night nothing extremely eventful happened but it was nice to be with some good friends. These photos speak for themselves.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jeff Hunt

Jeff is doing some interesting things with sound. I always enjoy when I randomly run into him in Oakland. He's a very creative person and is a great conversationalist.

Out of my sketchbook

Things are good. This sketchbook was made especially for me by my friend Stephanie. The cover and backing is an old book called "Mister Evening". Their is a string running through the middle of one of these drawings because that is the center of the book please excuse it. The book has a nice feel to it though. Their is nothing like holding an old book and putting your own work into it.Thanks Stephanie.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rise and Fall

Here is another drawing I did today. I would like to post one a day but I don't want to force anything out. So, I'll do my best to produce some work as often as I can.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Vickie Jarvis

Vickie is finding some humorous and strangely gorgeous trash on the streets of Oakland these days.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I've been holding out..

Here are three new drawings in no particular order. I miss doing this blog so hopefully in the midst of a depressing unemployment I will produce some equally depressing but productive artwork. No promises though.