Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thank You.

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Hut last night and all that wished me a Happy Birthday throughout this week. It has been an awesome birthday weekend. So, I just woke up about a half hour ago and the feeling has come over me that I need to really organize my life, responsibility seems to be the key word here. Flipping through some old sketch books I came across a photo of my grandfather and one of my aunts. Completely forgetting that I had this photo it seems to be some sort of marker or sign that things are going to be okay. While at the same time I notice that all my old writings in my sketch books are a kind of self loathing or whoa is me content. Change is due and progression is in the air for me.


nate c. said...

sounds like some positive realizations. rootin' for you homie.

Unknown said...

sorry im late on this, but happy birthday anyways!

angela simione said...

that's wonderful, paul! you're on the right track and doing great! and happy birthday too!