Sunday, March 2, 2008

Baldwin Park and Beyond (Part 1)

So last week or two ago I decided I wanted to make a trip home to Los Angeles. I have been missing it lately and I hadn't been back since November. I got to Union Station in Downtown Los Angeles at about 7pm and my dad drove me into Baldwin Park, the town I grew up in. Baldwin Park is approximately 20 minutes out of the city of Los Angeles. It contains minimal diversity culturally. Somehow it has it's moments.

Mony picked me up at nine a.m. on Saturday. I slept about four hours the night before so I was bloody exhausted. I needed a Grande Cappucino enema. Starbucks is bigger than Vincente Fernandez in Baldwin Park so we made the stop.

I saw this guy from far away. I said to Mony "What the hell is that?" I'm still not sure whats going on here. Its sad and hilarious at the same time.

Apparently, standing on the corner with a sign is big business here. It doesn't really make me want to buy things.

Dollar Dream is now just that.

We went to pick up Cory, Cory is the awesomest dude ever. He went to UCLA and is a recent graduate from nursing school. He has good taste in music and he's smart; ladies he is single.

A Mexican mowing the lawn; so 1995. So that's it for now there is plenty more to come though.

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